
Receiving Agency Registration

Contact Information Please list the information for the person we will contact about this form.

Program Location The primary location where your programming and/or food distribution is based.

Mailing Address The official address of your organization, if different from above (optional).

More Information

Food Forward programs recover produce throughout the region, and many more opportunities are available for organizations with the ability to pick up donations near them.

If donations are available near you, would you be able to arrange for pickup?

Operating Hours When can you accept donations of food?

Day Open Time Close Time

Distribution Hours When do you distribute food?

Day Open Time Close Time


In order to become a Food Forward Receiving Agency, an organization must

  1. agree that it, or the organization of which it is a local chapter or affiliate, as applicable, shall maintain its status as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; and
  2. offer all of the produce it receives from Food Forward to any person struggling with food insecurity, without any financial cost or any other requirements or exclusions.